
by admin | 4月 17th, 2010

2011.10.26-29 EASE 2011 Conference (East Asian Science Education Research Association), Gwangju Korea 

2011.8.1-5 The 8th International Conference on History of  Science in East ,Huangshan,China(中国・黄山)

2011.7.19-26 14th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Nancy, France,

2011.7.2-5 第11回 国際IHPST Conference, Thessaloniki

2011.6.19-26 14th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Nancy, France
2011.4.1-3 Science, Knowledge, and Democracy, Three Rivers Philosophy Conference, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

2011.2.18-21 American Association for the Advancement of Science, Section L Programme (HPS), Washington DC,

2010.11.18-20 The Circulation of Science and Technology. 4th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science (ESHS), Barcelona

2010.10.25-29 The Seventh International Conference On The Inspiration Of Astronomical Phenomena(INSAP VII)  Bath, England

2010.10.5 Workshop: Objectivity and the Practice of Science, Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science

2010.9. 30 - 10. 3 Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) 2010 Annual Meeting,Tacoma, Washington

2010.9.16-19 Contemporary medical science and technology as a challenge for museums, Kopenhagen

2010. 8. 19-21 First Latin American IHPST Regional Conference,Sao Paulo,Brazil
2010.8.21-27  20th General Meeting of IMA ,Budapest,Hungary

2010.7.1-3 Records, archives and technology: interdependece over time. Fifth International Conference on History of Records and Archives (I-CHORA 5), London

2010.6.29-7.2 The 2nd International Symposium on Peer Reviewing:ISPR 2010  in the context of Th4th International Conference on Knowledge Generation, CommunicationandManagement: KGCM 2010 International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management: Orlando, Florida, USA http://www.sysconfer.org/ispr 論文締切5月18日

2010.6.17-20   4th Tensions of Europe Plenary Conference & Closing ESF Inventing Europe Conference

 2010.6.17-20 Science & Technology in the European Periphery, Galway (Irland)

2010.6.17-20 Objectivity in Science, British Columbia (Canada)

2010.6.3 国際科学史会議IUHPS/DHST・Newsletter 6月号発行 http://www.ihpst.org/newsletters.html

2010.5.27-29 Knitting the web: Railways, users and the city – Cities, users and the railways. Past Present, Future. 4th International Railway History Conference, Mechelen (Belgien)

2010.5.6-9 International Conference: History of Science in Practice, organized by the Programme of History, Philosophy and Didactics of Science and Technology  Athens
2010.5.7-8 Conceptions of Empirical Success: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives. A Conference in Honour of William L.     Harper, , London, Ontario

2010.5   国際科学史科学哲学連合/科学史技術史部門による新国際科学思想史雑誌Almagest,第1巻発刊(Brepols publishers).詳細 http://www.brepols.net/Pages/Home.aspx 
 編集者は:Ana Barahona, Fabio Bevilacqua, Michel Blay, Konstantinos Chatzis, Christopher Cullen, Sergei Demidov, Silvia Figueir, Robert Halleux, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Vincent Jullien, Eberhard Knobloch, Alexandre Kostov, Liu Dun, Ronald Numbers, Tomislav Petkovic, Alexandar Petrovic, Sabine Rommevaux, Annette Vogt.編集局: Efthymios Nicolaidis and Constantine Skordoulis
編集事務: Antigone Nounou. 編集助手: Gianna Katsiampoura 

2010.4.28 Science and technology Innovation programm:Reinventing Technology Assessment:A 21st Century Model,Woodrow Wilson Center    http://www.wilsoncenter.org/index.cfm?topic_id=1414&fuseaction=topics.home

2010.4.13-16 Technology Network. European Social Science History Conference, Ghen

2010年4月 国際科学史会議(IUHPST)のNewsletter 4月号発刊

2010.3. Les expositions universelles en France au XIXe siècle. Techniques, publics, patrimoine, Paris

2010.2.18-19  ”Forschung tut not.” Technik und Innovation in der Weltwirtschaftskrise (1929-1933), Bochum,

2010.2. 4-5 Objects of Energy Consumption: Using Material Culture as Source for an Environmental and Consumption-Oriented History of Technology, München

2010.2.4-5 Unsichtbare Hände.  Automatismen in Medien-, Technik- und Diskursgeschichte, Paderborn

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