
by ihst | 1月 30th, 2012

第5回ヨーロッパ科学史会議5th International Conference of the ESHSが下記のように開かれます。
 期日 2012年11月1-3日 場所:アテナ:•National Hellenic Research Foundation、 •Marasleios Academy, Byzantine and Christian Museum

 主催:the Institute of Neohellenic Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (Dr. E. Nicolaidis) and the Faculty of Education of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Prof. C. Skordoulis)
  発表申込締切 :2012年2月24日・・・→申し込み

1 Ancient Astronomy and its Later Reception
2 Around Henri Poincaré’s Centenary: physics, mathematics and philosophy.
3 Byzantine and post-Byzantine alchemy: principles, influences and effects
4Cartesian Physics and its reception: between local and universal
5 Cultural Identity and Trans-Nationality in the History of Science
6 Engineers, Circulation of Knowledge, and the Construction of Imperial and Post-Imperial Spaces (18th- 20th century)
7 Exact sciences in Habsburg Monarchy in 18th century (on 300th anniversary of Boscovich’s birthday))
8 From cameralism and natural philosophy to applied biology: agriculture and science in the 19th-20th centuries
9Gender and the cosmopolitan character of science
10 Global phenomena and local specificities: conduits between scientifically minded elites and holders of artisanal knowledge between the East and the West.
11 Historical Narratives of Cold War Science
12 History and Historical Epistemology Of Science.Conceptual Streams and Mathematical Physical Objects in the Emergency Of Newton’s Science
13 History and Philosophy of Science in EU Secondary Curricula? New Proposals Wanted
14 History of Slavic Science – Cultural Interferences, Historical Perspectives and Personal Contributions
15 Humanities, mathematics and technics at Renaissance courts
16 Mathematical Courses in engineering education in the seventeenth and eighteenth century in the Iberian Peninsula
17 Mechanism, embodiment and life: iatromechanism and chemistry in debate in early modern natural philosophy
18 Physical sciences between Europe and the USA before WWII
19 Prefaces as correspondences in the context of Ancient Greek, Arabic and Latin mathematics texts
20 Science and Scandal: Scientific Controversy in the Public Space
21 Scientific archives, unpublished manuscripts in private or public corpuses: historiographical and methodological approaches.
22 Scientific Cosmopolitanism
23 Scientific Expeditions: Local Practices and Cosmopolitan Discourses
24 The Exact Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Modern and Contemporary Ages
25 The next science of humankind. Myths and histories of the Neurosciences
26 The Origins of Experimental Philosophy: Experimental Procedures and Empirical Methods in Early Modern Europe
27 The reception of the `synthetic evolutionary theory’ in Europe: from Great Britain to Germany and Russia
28 The scientific cosmopolitanism as traced by astronomical instruments
29 The scientific culture of medieval Jews: facts and questions’
30 The Tools of Research and the Craft of History: On the Interaction between Historians, Their Tools, and the Creators of Those Tools
31 Transnational Economic Science after World War II
32 Women in the Laboratory from the early modern times to the 20th century

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